The End and the Beginning Kira Brunner Don A Georgian family celebrates New Year's in 1993 Moscow GeorgiaMoscowRussia
Stranger Sounds: Moscow Stranger’s Guide Jazz, avant-garde and classical music from Moscow EuropeMoscowRussiaMusic
Taking to the Streets Mikhail Fishman Pro-democracy protests were loud in Moscow in 2011, but slowly got quieter EuropeMoscowRussiaPoliticsProtest
Putin’s Influence on Russia’s Media Stranger’s Guide The leader's third term saw the demise of strong journalism in a country already lacking press freedom EuropeMoscowRussiaJournalismMedia
My Moscow Ludmila Ulitskaya A writer remembers the city of her youth EuropeMoscowRussiaChildhoodMemoir
Russia’s Hip-Hop Underground Michael Idovphotography by Maria Ionova-Gribina How an uncensored strain of rap is mounting a fight for free expression EuropeMoscowRussiaMusicSubculture
Dead and Kicking Olga Voronina Writer's haunts—and haunting writers—in Moscow EuropeMoscowRussiaLiterature
Paper Architecture Yuri Avvakumov A utopian movement imagined buildings for a post-Communist world that never was EuropeMoscowRussiaArchitecture
The Renovation of Moscow photography by Vladimir Markovich While Russia and the West drift further apart, Moscow looks more and more like a western city EuropeMoscowRussiaCitiesUrban Planning
Under God Dmitry Bykov As Moscow transforms, one corner of the city remains sacred EuropeMoscowRussiaFavorite Places
A New Love of Stalin Stranger’s Guide Over the past decade, public approval of Russia’s famous dictator has grown EuropeMoscowRussiaPolitics